
Passionately dedicated to guiding individuals and teams through their growth journey and empower them to attain their goals while enjoying the process

Viktor Frankl once said:

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

As Featured In

“The paradox of success is that what got you where you are won’t keep you where you are” 

– Charles Handy-

Topics I Discuss


Making out of limiting beliefs and hidden spots a field of growth 


Becoming the empowered captain of your own ship.


Following a meaning- and purposeful goal that serves as a guide for actions and decisions


Designing a plan of actions to achieve a specific goal or set of objectives


Moving from managing to leading


Nurturing identity through purpose and values and behaving accordingly


Aligning who – how – what Structure


Genuinely connecting intra- and interpersonally

About Me

I’m Luis Esteban.
I Help Curious and Ambitious Individuals
Attain Their Goals.

I firmly believe that every process of development and growth, both personally and professionally, involves a reconnection with a genuine purpose and the consistent pursuit of a goal accordingly.

Based on this, I offer my clients a comprehensive approach that reflects both my experience as a senior executive and that of a coach specialized in individual psychology, with the clear aim of creating a lasting impact and helping them achieve their goals.

” The goal of life is not to eliminate struggles, but to have the right ones; not to avoid pain, but to experience it in service of a greater purpose. “

- Alfred Adler -